Robert Bell

Robert Bell
Robert heads the Competition & Regulatory practice at RBG Legal Services which comprises Memery Crystal and Rosenblatt. He is also a competition & regulatory consultant with Armstrong Teasdale LLP He has over 30 years of experience advising on complex competition and regulatory matters involving some of the leading cases before the Competition and Markets Authority, the European Commission and UK and European Courts. He advises clients on a range of competition law issues including ecommerce and distribution ,merger control, cartels, restrictive practices, market investigations, competition litigation, national security clearances and public procurement law. He has also regularly advised clients on sectoral regulation (e.g., telecoms, medical devices ,digital platforms, energy) and trade law including economic sanctions, export controls as well as anti-dumping and customs issues. Robert has a particular sector specialism in advising international technology and media clients on the application of competition law and new media and on competition litigation. He was Master of the City of London Solicitors Company and President of the City of London Law Society for two years from 2020-2022. He is also a former Chair, and now Member, of the City of London Law Society's Competition Law Committee for over 12 years, which liaises with the UK Government and the EU & UK competition regulators in connection with the reform of competition law and practice. Robert is recognised as one of London’s leading lawyers by Chambers and Legal 500.

Robert's upcoming events

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Telecommunications Law, Regulation & Enforcement - A Detailed Guide - Learn Live

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Competition Law & The Digital Markets, Competition & Consumer Act - Latest News - Learn Live

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Competition Law in Labour Markets - UK & EU Trends & Developments - Webinar

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Competition Law in Electronic Communications - Update & Key Considerations Explored - Webinar

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